DISCLAIMER: You are not obliged to follow this guide perfectly or even at all. This is simply an order created to help new fans based on what I feel would optimize the experience of getting into Shuuenpro.

Guide inspired by this post and this masterpost.

(NOTE: some blogs have changed urls)
re-missedcall -> re-missedcall-blog1
miss-simplicity -> sailorenna


  1. Songs (EP 1 - 4) (Shuuen Scanlations)
  2. Manga (Chapter 1 to Chapter 11.4)
    Light Novel 1 (Shuuen Scanlations)
  3. (OPTIONAL) Shuuen -Re:write- - Translations (Shuuen Scanlations)
  4. Light Novel 2 (Shuuen Scanlations) (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - Manga skips much of this novel)
  5. (OPTIONAL) Shuuen -Re:mind- - Translations (NOTE: AVOID LAST TRACK until after finishing manga / novels)
  6. Manga (Chapter 12 to Chapter 33)
    Light Novel 3 (Shuuen Scanlations) (Not recommended due to lack of translations - see here for more) & Light Novel 4 (whisperscrawls)
  7. (OPTIONAL) Listen to the voice drama CD! and/or view the various albums Shuuen has and their crossfades!

If you're interested in consuming more Shuuenpro, check out the links under the 'Masterlists' dropdown and/or join our unofficial Discord server!